
Orlando, USA

Graphic Design

I was brought on board through my involvement with Secondary REC, as a designer for posters and emails to advertise the Aga Khan Youth and Sports Board Lock-In for Orlando and Tampa.

Content Coordination

Early on in the process, STEP staff was asked to create content for the overnight camp. Since the students were familiar with Harry Potter (they often visited the Wizarding-themed amusement park nearby), I outlined a night of activities inspired by the books that sought to grow the “strength” of the participants: physical strength, spiritual strength, mental strength, personal strength, and social strength. I’ve already written about the overlap between the Harry Potter series and Isma’ili thought, I thought it would be interested to use Hogwarts as a framing device for Isma’ili practice. AKYSB decided later to reuse activities from other centers instead of trying something new, but I was able to salvage one activity (involving the 99 Names of God) for a future Lock-In.


On the night of the event, I acted as a counselor and helped to coordinate activities. Since I had the most experience with Isma’ili camps on the team, I fell into a leadership role to help guide the other counselors and manage participants.

REC, Campaqil ðananiComment