your ideas. your ISA.

So, as I announced earlier, I'm running for President of the Calgary Ismaili Student Association. Part of my initiative is to get the members of CISA more involved with the decision making process. In past years, all of the decisions of CISA were made by a small, oligarchical group. Instead, I think the members should have a bigger voice when it comes to what we actually do. As part of my campaign, I'd like to get the ball rolling. Below, is a form where you can enter your name and an idea that you have. The idea can be anything from suggestions to criticisms, something that you want to do, something you don't want to do, places you want to go, people you want to see. Everything you put into this form is getting recorded in a database and, if I get elected president, I will personally address every single idea submitted.

One last thing before you start submitting, this is just a reminder that ISA elections will take place in Campus JK on April 3rd at the University of Calgary. You need to have an ISA membership (bring your SU Club Card with you) to vote in the election.

[googleapps domain="docs" dir="forms/d/1VWpzcro6FLSe4e4hQTj5mGrBLt42arfYkVrn-4VlCQM/viewform" query="embedded=true" width="760" height="500" /]
